Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Missed It?

Thank you to Radio Yako's Paul Ncozana for making the recording of last Saturday's show available! From now on, all shows will be added to the Show Archive page. Some information cited in the show was from UNESCO's 2010 "Education for All - Global Monitoring Report" (see Resource Exchange).

Feburuary 27, 2010: Listen

Theme: the importance of education, especially that of girls and young women.

Interview clips:

  • Liknus J, age 16 (interpreter, Mara Banda)
  • Nola K, age 19 (interpreter, Arichie Kaliza)


  1. Hi Kathryn,
    I have listened to this recorded program. I could have loved to have been part of this discussion but I had to attend to other issues. However, I would like to continue commending you on your commitment to produce this program. I can see that in at least every program there is at least a caller or two. My hope there is going to be more sharing ideas based on experience, studies and all that about HIV and AIDS in Malawi.

    Hope to continue hearing more, and I may as well serve saturday 6:00pm for this program.


  2. Richard, thanks for taking the time to listen to the show - and to post a comment! Since you weren't able to call in on Saturday, would you please write your thoughts here on the blog? I'd love to read what you have to say after listening to that show.

    Let's all keep the conversation going now and continue to talk about these issues when the show comes around again on Saturday!
